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Early Deadline for YC Winter 2022

by Stephanie Simon6/30/2021

The early deadline to apply for the YC Winter 2022 batch is July 19 at 8pm PT.

Apply to YC Summer 2021

by Lindsay Amos3/15/2021

The deadline to apply to the Y Combinator Summer 2021 batch is Friday, March 19 at 8pm PT. Due to COVID-19,Summer 2021 will be the third batch in a row to be fully remote.We occasionally get questions about what a remote batch is like. Our 2020 Yearin Review is helpful here,and I thought I’d include some quotes from when I asked founders from Summer2020 (our first all remote batch) about their experience.

Apply to YC on Your Schedule

by Lindsay Amos1/14/2021

We want to better support founders by giving them access to YC whenever it’sbest for them, regardless of our batch timeline. While it has always been anoption to apply year-round to YC, we’re now formalizing it with an earlydeadline.Now, founders can apply for an early interview to the Summer 2021 batch. If wereceive your application by Wednesday, January 27 at 8pm PT, we will consideryou for an early February interview (instead of regular interviews, which beginin late April).

YC W21 Remote Batch

by Michael Seibel9/10/2020

YC W21 batch will be remote. Amid the global pandemic, the safety of ourfounders and staff is our top priority.S20 was our first remote batch. I’ve personally experienced 16 of the last 18batches as a YC startup founder and then YC partner, and I’m very confident S20was a transformative experience for our companies.Going remote gave us the opportunity to build a lot of software over the pastsix months.

Apply Early for YC W21

by Kat Mañalac8/31/2020

The deadline to apply for YC Winter 2021 is Wednesday, September 23 at 8pm PT.We created a deadline because deadlines are good motivational mechanisms forfinishing tasks. Unsurprisingly, about eighty percent of all YC applications aresubmitted the week before the deadline.But we’ve sometimes seen companies not apply to YC because they don’t want towait until our regular interview cycle (October and November for the Winter 2021batch) to raise money.

An Update on YC S20 International Interviews

by Y Combinator3/17/2020

The Summer 2020 batch is still on, however due to safetyconcerns relating to COVID-19, YC staff will no longer be traveling to dointerviews. We will still be interviewing startups from all over the world (withsafety modifications), but local interviews in Bangalore, Paris and São Pauloare canceled.To keep founders and YC staff safe, we won’t be making founders travel forinterviews and are testing out solutions for remote interviews.

YC S20 Interviews in Brazil

by Y Combinator3/2/2020

We’re excited to announce that we’re hosting interviews in Brazil for startupsbased in South America for the first time this spring. They will be held in SãoPaulo from May 16-18 and are like regular YC interviews in every way. Theapplication is the same, as well as what we look for in the application and thecriteria for acceptance.Accepted companies will join the Summer 2020 batch immediately.