
AI-first survey platform

Versive, an AI-first survey platform that helps companies gather better user insights, faster. Our conversational surveys dynamically adapt to user responses, diving deeper with intelligent follow-up questions. Plus, our platform automatically categorizes and analyzes responses, enabling you to act on insights much faster. For product and design teams, this means conducting user research way faster. For marketing and customer teams, you'll uncover richer insights from every survey response.

Team Size:3
Location:New York

Active Founders

David Correa Orozco

David is the CEO of Versive. He started his career as a PM at Microsoft working on the Windows Build System. He then became one of the founding engineers at Bread (NYSE: BFH) where he developed multiple fin-tech products. Most recently, he spent the last 3 years working on Serverless Networking systems at Google Cloud. He is now focusing on building an AI-survey platform that enables teams to gather better user insights, faster.

David Correa Orozco
David Correa Orozco

Eric Li

Eric is the co-founder of Versive. Previously, he led product and design at Vareto, designed marketplace products at Uber Eats, and was the first designer at Bread (NYSE: BFH). In a past life, he studied Economics at UChicago and was an investment banker at J.P. Morgan.

Eric Li
Eric Li

Company Launches

tl;dr: Mirio enables sales teams at API companies to spin up and personalize demo apps in minutes. Stop demoing docs and show every customer a personalized use case.
👉 Book a demo

Hi everyone, we’re David Correa and Eric Li, the founders of Mirio.

Mirio is a demo platform for sales teams at API companies. Instead of bugging engineers to build custom demos or screen-sharing documentation, sales teams can use our no code-platform to clone, deploy, and personalize demo apps in minutes.

For sales teams selling API products

We spoke to account executives and SDRs at API companies and heard the same problems:

  • Developers are okay with documentation but decision-makers want to visualize the impact on their business and product.
  • Sales tries to convince engineers and designers to create custom demos but are usually told no (When David and I were asked to help create demos, we hated it too)
  • As a result, they only personalize demos for top prospects and end up demoing the same documentation and code for most customers, which often doesn’t land.

Create personalized demos in minutes with Mirio

Mirio empowers sales teams to spin-up and personalize real apps (connected to your API) so they can convey the magic of your product to every customer.

  1. Connect your demo apps to Mirio, we’ll help you set them up so they can be customized.
  2. From your Mirio dashboard, account executives and SDRs can clone and deploy demo apps in one click. They can then personalize branding, content, and more using our no-code editor.
  3. Use your personalized demos in live meetings, SDR outreach, website embeds, leave-behinds, and more. Track demo engagement from your dashboard.
  4. Wow more customers and close more deals! 🚀

Why us?

David and Eric met at as early employees of Bread Financial (NYSE: BFH) where the sales team bugged us every week to help create custom demos for Bread’s developer-facing product. This was time-consuming and painful but we saw the impact that personalized, interactive demos had on closing deals.

Outside of Bread, we’ve also built software, designed products, and led teams at companies like Google, Microsoft, Uber, and Vareto.

We’d love to chat

  • If you’re selling an API product and want to personalize demos with the least amount of effort, book a demo at trymirio.com or email us at founders@trymirio.com.
  • If you’re not, we’d love intros to anyone who is.

For us, demos are the first step in helping to improve sales and onboarding for API products. If you have related challenges or a unique use case you’re not sure we can solve, reach out (founders@trymirio.com). We’d love to chat and see if we can build a solution around your problem.