

We help online sellers manage a sales business on multiple platforms.

Vendoo is a software that was created to solve the daily pain points of the millions of sellers in the steadily growing reselling industry. Our goal is to save sellers time and help them make more money. The user friendly interface allows sellers to crosspost their items onto multiple marketplaces in a fraction of the time that it takes to do so manually. Users can currently list items onto 10 marketplaces, including eBay, Poshmark, Etsy, Mercari, Facebook Marketplace and more. The software also provides other conveniences for sellers, like the ability to easily import their existing listings, delisting and relisting items with one click, and inventory management features like easy sorting and searching. Vendoo also provides sellers with business data and analytics to help them make calculated decisions to grow their business.

Jobs at Vendoo

BR / CO / UY / AR / MX / Remote (BR; CO; UY; AR; MX)
3+ years
BR / AR / CL / UY / CO / MX / Remote (BR; AR; CL; UY; CO; MX)
3+ years
Team Size:41
Location:Washington, DC

Active Founders

Thomas Rivas

Online seller since 2008, who came up with the idea for Vendoo based on his personal need to be able to crosspost. Has a double major from the University of Maryland and also some development experience.

Thomas Rivas
Thomas Rivas

Chris Amador

Fifteen years of experience in building websites, brands, and products. I am currently building the best reseller tool at Vendoo, Inc.

Chris Amador
Chris Amador

Josh Dzime-Assison

Josh Dzime-Assison is our CMO and has been a full-time reseller for over 15 years. In addition to being a reselling subject matter expert, Josh opened a sneaker store at age 20 and has worked as an Image Consultant for numerous musicians and professional athletes. He is currently leading the Marketing team at Vendoo.

Josh Dzime-Assison
Josh Dzime-Assison

Ben Martinez

Graduated from UMD, strong salesman/businessman and currently leading the Customer Support team in Vendoo.

Ben Martinez
Ben Martinez