

We turn your company's network into pipeline.

Vector is building the future of pipeline generation through relationship selling. Using a real network, and not LinkedIn connections, is the next generation of how sellers will hit their number.

Jobs at Vector

US / Remote (US)
$140K - $170K
0.50% - 0.75%
6+ years
Team Size:2

Active Founders

Joshua Perk

Hi 👋🏼 I'm Josh. Building, Vector — a pipeline platform for B2B sales teams to find warm intros to their target accounts. Previously: - Built the SC team @ Drift from Series B - Vista acquisition 🦄 - Exited GrowthStack - A hybrid RevOps agency + SaaS company 🎉 - Exited GoCable - A rapid prototyping SaaS for subsea cables 🐙 - Served as an intel analyst in the USAF ✈️

Joshua Perk
Joshua Perk

Nick Masters

Co-founder and COO of Vector, building the first true relationship sales platform for B2B sellers. A US Air Force Veteran and former Instructor Pilot with over 10 years of leadership experience building and training sales teams. Previous to Vector, Co-founder and CEO, Josh Perk and I served as executives, in charge of Sales Engineering Consulting at Drift.

Nick Masters
Nick Masters

Company Launches

Retention is the new Growth! 🚀

💬 Words Matter 💬

Everyday customers tell their vendors exactly what they want, but nobody's listening.  In fact, businesses continue to archive mountains of Customer Success emails, Sales call transcripts, marketing chatbot data and technical support conversations across disparate platforms that aren’t connected.  Imagine the customer experience you could provide by unlocking the value of knowing exactly what your customer needs, when they want it.

B2B conversational data is the most underutilized asset in a business’s revenue strategy.  Vector is on a mission to tell a sales rep what they need to upsell or retain a customer in 30 seconds, based on months of multi-channel conversations.

We are Joshua and Nick, former Sales Engineering executives who’ve identified preventable problems in B2B customer experience, where the answers lay within the unstructured conversational data.

The Solution: Vector

In the Future:  Vector will be the solution to the often sought after Customer 360.  Based on conversational analytics, Vector will aggregate, analyze, and provide the ability for your teams to create an experience that your customers desire.  We will provide the “R” in CRM that does not exist today.

Short-term:  Far too often, Sales Representatives and CSMs change accounts leaving their customers in a position of starting over with someone new.  The process of repeating answers to the same questions asked in the past is an awful experience, and a massive waste of time.  Vector makes sense of your unstructured conversational data so that, AE to AE or Pre-Sales to Post-Sales knowledge transfers are executed as if the same person is working the account.

⚡️ Get Involved ⚡️

If you’re a B2B company who wants to provide a better experience for your customers, email Joshua and Nick at Founders@getvector.ai to start understanding what your customers are actually saying.

Follow Joshua and Nick as we develop this journey with Vector.