
AI-powered sales coach

SilkChart helps reps improve their performance during sales calls and win more deals. We offer live feedback on how to communicate more effectively and convert more prospects into paying customers.

Team Size:4
Location:San Francisco
Andreea Francis
Andreea Francis

Company Launches

TL;DR SilkChart helps growth teams improve campaigns based on what users are doing in product - without relying on expensive data scientists. We do this through a no code analytics tool that combines marketing and product usage data to identify which channels, audiences, and copy maximize revenue growth.

šŸ“Book a demo here to learn more.

Hey everyone - Weā€™re Andreea and Matt and we couldnā€™t be more thrilled to introduce you to SilkChart!


Growth and marketing teams can't connect engaged users to the channels that acquired them

  • Marketing (CRM) and product (analytics) data sit in different tools, making it difficult to know how users brought in through marketing efforts behave in the product, and which ones retain
  • Connecting data across these tools requires technical skills, using up expensive data scientist and engineering time
  • Without knowing which users retain, and which product features drive that retention, marketers canā€™t adapt the content and targeting of their campaigns to attract users who stick around


Turn product data into revenue growth - Update campaign content, spend, and marketing channels based on our detailed data about how the users youā€™ve acquired behave in product, and which ones retain long term

  • No code product analytics tool that surfaces opportunities to drive growth through pre-built dashboards of:

    ā€”Usersā€™ journey in product: Who are the customers who spend the most, and which channels bring them in?

    ā€”Revenue drivers: Which product features and customer behavior are predictors of revenue?

    ā€”Retention drivers: Which marketing content is associated with consistent long term engagement?

  • Connect your CRM and product analytics tool quickly - no code or setup required


Companies spend over $150Bn on marketing tools, in part because the average marketer uses 23 tools just to do their job šŸ¤Æ.

  • Data is siloed, and most rely on engineers or data scientists to stitch it together.
  • We offer a self serve alternative for identifying revenue growth opportunities, without having to rely on limited technical resources.

Weā€™ve worked on growth and built manual solutions for this problem at Instacart (YC S12) and Mystro (YC S17), and are applying that experience to create a better alternative for others.


  • 50% off first 3 months for startup community - email founders@silkchart.com to redeem
  • White glove service to help you enable the dashboards you need to drive LTV, conversions, and long term retention

šŸ„³ Weā€™d love to talk to you -Ā  book a demo with us today!