Shinkei Systems

Shinkei Systems

Robots for longer-lasting, better-tasting fish at scale.

1.2B lbs of fish are caught everyday yet as little as 1 in 3 fish make it to a plate — most of this waste arises because fish are suffocated on boats or electrocuted on farms. Suffocation and inaccurate electrocution create stress and so acidify meat, damage quality and significantly reduce shelf-life. Artisanal techniques in high-end sushi multiply shelf-life and taste but, because of the variation in fish, are difficult to perform in a mechanical fashion. Shinkei automates traditional techniques using robotics to provide long-lasting and delicious fish for farmers and harvesters at scale.

Jobs at Shinkei Systems

New York, NY, US / Los Angeles, CA, US
$70K - $100K
0.10% - 0.50%
3+ years
New York, NY, US / Los Angeles, CA, US
$85K - $150K
0.25% - 1.00%
3+ years
Shinkei Systems
Team Size:6
Location:New York

Active Founders

Saif Khawaja

- HCI Research at CMU - BS Wharton, MS Physics (Penn) - Design at Siegel + Gale, Founded Banian Studio - Past biotech work exhibited and presented at London Design Festival and The MoMA (NYC)