Letter AI

Letter AI

Content & training for reps to close deals, built 10x faster with AI

Sales teams spend weeks building sales assets and trainings for account executives, only to have the content go out of date in days and still have reps squander 20% of their time hunting for the right material to send prospects. We are using generative AI to accelerate training and content creation, automate upkeep, and provide AI powered coaching in a unified RevTech platform. Improve your win rates by 30%+ with better enablement, built 10x faster and with half the operational overhead.

Jobs at Letter AI

Chicago, IL, US / San Francisco, CA, US / Remote (San Francisco, CA, US; Chicago, IL, US)
$100K - $150K
0.25% - 1.50%
3+ years
Letter AI
Team Size:2
Location:Chicago, IL

Active Founders

Ali Akhtar

Founder & CEO of Letter AI. A decade of experience in AI across various roles - as VP of ML Products at project44, ML Engineering Director at Samsara, and AI-focused consultant at McKinsey. Reach out to talk AI, enterprise SaaS, sales enablement, or anything else!

Ali Akhtar
Ali Akhtar
Letter AI

Armen Forget

Co-Founder of Letter AI, software engineer, architect and leader. I started my career in military/aerospace and moved to distributed backends and ML Operations. Currently obsessed with the endless possibilities of generative AI and helping our enterprise customers leverage this technology with minimal friction.

Armen Forget
Armen Forget
Letter AI

Company Launches

TL;DR: Letter AI empowers sales teams to create personalized enablement content using generative AI. Build and maintain sales assets and product trainings 10X faster using your existing docs and data, empowering reps to close deals instead of wasting hours chasing content.

👋 Hi we are Ali and Armen from Letter AI. We spent our careers building AI SaaS for enterprise customers at companies like Samsara and Cirrus Logic. As product and engineering leaders, we saw first hand how poor enablement led to time wasted and deals lost. We are building Letter AI to be the solution we wish our sales teams had.

❗The Problem

  • Sales teams feel uninformed about the products they sell. 42% of sales reps feel they don't have enough information before calling a prospect. The problem is worse at companies with multiple or complex products.
  • Sales teams squander hours finding the right content to share with customers and prospects. Even when they find the content, it’s outdated or needs to be personalized for their customer. The average rep spends 440 hours per year doing this - that’s 20% of a 40 hour work week 😅
  • Companies invest millions in sales enablement, but content goes out of date almost immediately and is impossible to personalize at scale. Enterprises lose $2.3M on average annually from the opportunity cost of underused or unused content.

📈 Enter Letter AI

Letter AI leverages generative AI to create interactive and personalized enablement content in minutes, all from your existing documents and data (requirements docs, marketing decks, videos, Gong recordings, etc.). We’re building:

  • AI-driven content creation and updates: Simply provide your docs / data and few instructions to build interactive learning, product one-pagers, and more. Make updates everywhere with a single instruction.
  • Personalization at scale: Re-shape your content instantly for specific roles, industries, reps, or customers. Extract the most relevant content, personalize it, and share with customers using company PPT / PDF templates
  • AI copilot for real-time help: Enable your own ChatGPT-like AI assistant with expertise on your products. Reps can get the real-time help they need before going into meetings - or even during them
  • Plus the other things you know and love about enterprise sales software (collaboration, usage analytics, robust RBAC, etc.)

💻 Here’s a demo of Ali building sales training in ~5 minutes for a product he previously launched using just 2 public blog posts and API docs. The results are on par with what took product, marketing, and sales teams weeks to develop!

🙏 Asks

  • We are expanding our pilot program to include more customers! If your company has a large or fast growing sales team and you want to supercharge enablement at a fraction of the overhead, reach out at hello@letter.ai.
  • If you’ve been a part of the wonderful world of B2B sales or sales enablement, we would love your feedback. Share product feedback and coffee / lunch / dinner / drinks are on us.

YC Sign Photo

YC Sign Photo