
Copilot for product teams

Helping product builders to listen to users at scale so they can make something people want.

Jobs at Kraftful

US / Remote (US)
$100K - $150K
0.30% - 1.00%
6+ years
US / Remote (US)
$60K - $90K
6+ years
Team Size:6
Location:San Francisco
Yana Welinder
Yana Welinder

Company Launches


At the heart of every great product is the user. Kraftful Copilot makes ✨magic✨ happen – empowering product builders to listen to millions of users in just minutes and seamlessly integrate that feedback into their work.

Would love for you to try it out (free!) and provide feedback.


Leading product teams before I started Kraftful, one of my biggest challenges was to figure out how my teams would effectively gather insights from user interviews, app store reviews, support tickets, sales calls, and really anywhere else users wanted to give us an earful 😆

Beyond the struggle of manually collecting and parsing through volumes of feedback, it’s impossible to quickly learn how frequently issues come up from different user groups and incorporate the learnings in the product development process.


We launched an MVP earlier this year in beta and got many millions of users from Google, Microsoft, Meta, Netflix, Canva, Dropbox, Atlassian, LinkedIn, Oracle, and many many more 🔥

Kraftful users built comprehensive feedback repositories on kraftful.com, analyzing over 13M pieces of user feedback. Kraftful Copilot saved them a whopping 100,000 hours of manual digging around in interviews, app reviews, support tickets, and other digital nooks and crannies.

Now we're thrilled to unveil a more comprehensive solution, allowing you to:

✅ Connect feedback from app stores, Zendesk, Intercom, and 30+ other sources
👀 Explore actionable summaries of user feedback

💌 Receive weekly insights in your mailbox and share with your team in Slack

🤖 Automatically sync new feedback for daily, weekly, and monthly summaries so that nothing slips through the cracks

💡 Uncover deeper insights through follow-up conversation with Kraftful Copilot

📝 Whip up AI-written user stories with acceptance criteria and instantly sync them to Jira or post to Linear, Trello, or wherever you track your dev work

Give it a try at kraftful.com and let us know what you think at feedback@kraftful.com

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