
Custom Datasets for the Enterprise

Founding Data Product Engineer

$100K - $150K / 1.00% - 5.00%
San Francisco, CA, US
Job Type
Any (new grads ok)
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Richard Kreger
Richard Kreger

About the role

  • Own the product pipeline and ensure that our data quality remains high
  • Responsible for processing and delivering data to customers in a timely manner
  • Build, manage, and improve data pipelines to clean, label, standardize, and transform raw data into data that can be delivered to and consumed by our customers
  • Answer ad-hoc data requests to support customer questions & sales pitches
  • Join calls with current and prospective customers
  • Work in downtown San Francisco office a few times per week
  • $100K - $150K salary, 1% - 5% equity

About you

  • Skills: Python, SQL, Data Analysis
  • Bonus skills: familiarity with statistics, BI tools, ChatGPT or similar AI/ML
  • Well organized
  • Concise communicator
  • Proactive & willing to take initiative
  • Resourceful
  • Able to execute with minimal supervision

Interview Process

  1. 30 minute call with founders about the position, your experience, and career goals
  2. 30 minute technical screening call to evaluate your Python and SQL skills
  3. 1 hour technical interview to review your data skills and thinking process
  4. Onsite at our office to learn more about us and to get a feel for how we’d work together
  5. Offer extended

About Pepper

  • The world’s largest companies are buying more external data
  • We license data to leading F500 enterprises
  • Our product is not a particular dataset, but rather the ability to quickly collect, clean, and reliably provide high-quality data over time
  • Founded in 2019 by Richard Kreger (CEO, enterprise sales) and Cameron Cairns (CTO, software engineer)
  • Very small team, all San Francisco-based
  • Raised only from YC and a couple angels (i.e. minimal dilution)
  • Profitable
Team Size:
Location:San Francisco
Richard Kreger
Richard Kreger