

Magical widget that makes any software way easier to use

Our software makes other software better. Product teams embed CommandBar in their products to help their customers onboard faster, adopt new features, learn new worfklows, and get help in-app where they are. What began with our flagship product – a magical search bar that lets users find anything in the app they were using – has since grown into a powerful platform for building great software. We help our customers ship delightful product tours, surveys, onboarding checklists, in-app help docs, and AI-powered copilots – fast. We’re obsessed with helping people get more done with computers and measure our success by the number of humans we serve. Today that’s over 15 million and counting as we work with some of the world’s most forward-thinking companies like Netlify, AngelList, Gusto, and Shortcut. We’re well funded, have strong early traction, and have build an incredibly talented team that’s low-ego and distributed across the world. It’s still day zero at CommandBar though. There’s a ton of room for you to have an outsized impact on our trajectory and do the best work of your career

Jobs at CommandBar

San Francisco / Remote
3+ years
San Francisco or Remote / Remote (US)
$70K - $80K
Any (new grads ok)
San Francisco, CA / Remote
$140K - $200K
3+ years
Team Size:22
Location:San Francisco
Vinay Ayyala
Vinay Ayyala
James Evans
James Evans
Richard Freling
Richard Freling

Company Launches

Hi there! @CommandBar started out building a natural language interface (cmd+k as a service) for any app. Today we’re launching something that I think is closer to that original vision, of course ✨powered by AI ✨. We’re calling it Copilot 🙃

Copilot (https://commandbar.com/copilot) lets any site embed an assistant that can teach users how a UI works and execute actions on their behalf.

Who is it for

Mainly web apps, but it’s just as useful for blogs and marketing sites too. Anywhere you can embed an HTML snippet. Also works with Wordpress, Bubble, etc.

How it works

  • 📖 Add source content by providing a URL to a marketing site or help center. This gives you an AI chatbot.

  • ✏️ Add other experiences. Zappier-style, wire up API endpoints for Copilot to be able to perform multi-step actions. And create product tours. Then, tell Copilot situations in which users would find them useful. This is the assistant part.

  • 💈 Personalize the widget to look and feel like the rest of your site.

  • 🚢 Ship your Copilot

    by pasting an HTML snippet.

  • 🎁 Extra goodies that come out of the box:

    • Automatically learns based on user feedback what works for users overall and for individual users (e.g. whether users like tours vs. actions).
    • Bot cites its sources, and users can view source docs in Copilot without leaving the product.

Can I try it?

We pre-trained some Copilots you can play around with here: https://copilot.commandbar.com

You can create a free account here: https://www.commandbar.com/get-started.

For anyone else building in the space, happy to answer questions about how we built this!